Thursday, August 25, 2005

Snippet from John Donne

And into that gate they shall enter,and in that house they shall dwell, where there shall be no cloud nor sun, no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light, no noise nor silence, but one equal music, no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession, no foes or friends, but one equal communion and identity, no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity -John Donne


Blogger Me. said...

Hi Arun,
Well, the pain and bitterness often seeps through my writing...about India..because I'm quite in love with it.
I am trying to make a difference...that's my sole aim.
Yes, the poetry and articles are all mine. I am a freelance writer, apart from being a student.
I'll send you good poetry when I come across it...just tell me where to post it.
What are your dreams?

1:25 PM  

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